It all begins with INSPIRATION
Do you collect sticks? I do, what about lichen on the ground after a windy day? Me too! And do you take a really close look at your found treasures? What an amazing tiny world!
This is what inspires me, the tiny universe you have to look for.
This is how I see my backyard. Its amazing! The images below were taken on the same day with my phone. If is has been dry, I put the sticks and bark in water for an hour and the lichen comes to life.
Now the challenge is how do you represent all these shapes and textures in fabric??? My brain starts to wander to how should the fabric feel, thin, fuzzy, slick, smooth? Then on to the color. I’m having the hardest time with the light blue/green color. Or is it green/grey? I’ve looked at fabric, I’ve dyed fabric, Ive painted fabric, I’m still trying to find the right color or the right colors. Nothing in nature is flat and of a single color.
Then comes shape. I find the challenge is in creating organic shapes and of course getting flat fabric to form those shapes. Ive completed a couple of pieces so far, but its only the beginning. Stay tuned …..